Welcome to AspergersTeenChat.com

Harassment and profanity will not be tolerated and will get you banned. Report abusive users to the moderator! Email: mbhutten@gmail.com

Teen Chat Comment from Sa'Reena

name = Sa'Reena
email = sareenakyle10@gmail.com
Aspies_Teen_Chat_comments = Hi guys I'm A Writer and I'm looking for someone to help me with ideas for my books. My fave Genre's are Horror And Romance. And I love Snakes. ^_^

Teen Chat Comment from Angelo

name = Angelo
email = angelosaincic@gmail.com
Aspies_Teen_Chat_comments = I'm 15yrs old,  Love Dogs, outdoors, Music  and playing Xbox games. Would like to make new friends between 13-16yrs. I have been diagnosed with ADHD/ODD and Asperger's (High functioning Autism 2yrs ago) & doing home-schooling.

Teen Chat Comment from Shadow

name = Shadow
email = olexoreka@citromail.hu
Aspies_Teen_Chat_comments = Hi ! Am not a teenager now, but I am  still an aspergergirl. Am 19. and i have my last year at high school.  I 'llmake a facebook group for aspergers young people.

Chatrooms for Teens on the Autism Spectrum - Research Project

Hi Aspergers Teen Chat members,

My name is Barbara Lawer, I am a master's degree student collating data for my research. In order to help me gain an insight into how chatrooms can be of benefit to teenagers with Aspergers and Autism I would like to select some of your posts (from July 2014) from the Aspergers Teen Chat site.

However, I will not be using any of your posts without your consent. Please be assured that any information used in my research would be anonymised. Both names and pseudonyms would be disguised and only small samples of text would be used in analysis or discussion so that text is not identifiable. Furthermore, this data is for my dissertation, meaning only a select few lecturers will be viewing it.

If you are happy to consent to me using some of your posts from July 2014 within my analysis please reply to this message or e mail me directly at b.lawer@ucs.ac.uk by 28th August 2014. Furthermore, if you would like to ask any question I am more than happy to answer them.

Thank you for your time.

Barbara Lawer
University Campus Suffolk, UK

Teen Chat Comment from Andrea

name = Andrea
email = andrealeduc@aol.com
Aspies_Teen_Chat_comments = Hello, My name is Andrea!  I'm going to be 17 years old in a week and I am starting my senior year in high school.  I have Aspergers syndrome and Depression.  I have come to this website because I don't really have any friends and want to talk to people like me!

Teen Chat Comment from Maleo

name = Maleo
Aspies_Teen_Chat_comments = Aye im new here on this site and im looking for people my age to talk too and urmm im 15.

Teen Chat Comment from Caleb

name = Caleb
Aspies_Teen_Chat_comments = Hello I'm just a bug loving very intelligent guy and also very lonely but I hope I find a girl soon

Aspergers Teen Chat Safety

1. Always stay vigilant. Not everyone is always who they seem.
2. Any suspicious activities relating to the exploitation of chat users should be reported to a moderator or administrator immediately [email Mark at mbhutten@gmail.com]
3. By entering AspergersTeenChat.com, you agree to be at least 13 years of age but not older than 19.
4. Do not flood the chat room or disrupt other users in any way. You will be banned if you do.
5. If you are suspicious of a person in this teen chat room, please send an email to mbhutten@gmail.com. We can perform a lot of commands to find out if a person is lying or if they who they say they are. Never be embarrassed to report a complaint …even if it's just a hunch, it's better to report it.
6. Inappropriate nicknames or conversation will NOT be tolerated. You will be banned if you do so.
7. It is very important when chatting online to not give out personal information. We protect our teen chat room well, but we cannot be around at all times. We take a different approach than regular teen chat sites. We think it's important to educate our users on spotting the predators and abusers so you can take the information with you to other teen chat sites.
8. No phone numbers, emails or instant messaging IDs are allowed to be posted in public.
9. Please be careful in this teen chat room and understand, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Let your common sense guide you to a safe but entertaining chat.
10. We will cooperate with law enforcement agencies in the investigation of users over the age of 19 in contact with minors.